The school was inspected by Estyn at the end of January 2024, and a copy of the full report along with a summary can be found here:
The report highlights and recognises many strengths including:
- Brackla is a happy and welcoming school, where pupils and staff feel cared for and thrive;
- The quality of teaching across the school is consistently good;
- Staff place a strong emphasis on supporting the wellbeing of all;
- Most pupils, including those with additional learning needs, engage well in their learning, make good progress and achieve well;
- Nearly all pupils show pride in their school and feel safe because of its nurturing and caring ethos;
- Nearly all pupils behaviour in class, when working in break-out areas and learning outside is exemplary;
- Outdoor learning is a strength of the school;
- Nearly all pupils have positive attitudes to learning;
- The curriculum builds successfully on pupils’ knowledge, skills and experiences as they move through the school;
- The positive relationships between staff and pupils and among the pupils themselves are a strong feature of the school;
- Staff have excellent working relationships with pupils, and as a result the behaviour is exemplary;
- The provision for pupils identified as having ALN is excellent;
- Staff promote a highly robust culture of safeguarding, ensuring the welfare of all is a priority;
- The Headteacher provides excellent leadership. She is supported by a highly effective leadership team;
- The school engages and communicates well with parents and carers, who feel that they are listened to;
- Governors provide effective support and challenge to the school.