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Online Safety

Let's keep our digital world safe and fun.

It is important that children are prepared for everything in the modern changing world. With new technology at their fingertips, it is vital that they know how to conduct themselves online appropriately.

At School

One key element of the Curriculum for Wales is to help promote a safe and positive online learning environment for all students. We at Brackla Primary, wish for all learners to be well-informed of their digital choices. We aim to teach them how to become a digital citizen, have fun online, all while keeping themselves and their friends safe.

We carry out termly Online Safety weeks, each focusing on a different Digital Competence Strand, building on prior knowledge and understanding, to develop the children's confidence and competence effectively.

At Home

As parents, you play a vital role in helping your child navigate the digital world safely.
We understand that keeping up with the ever-changing online landscape can be challenging.

Here's how you can help us:

  • Have open and clear discussions with your child as soon as they start using the internet
  • Create family rules: Together, establish guidelines for internet use, such as appropriate websites, screen time limits, and online etiquette
  • Use parental controls: Utilise parental control features on devices and internet connections to limit access to inappropriate content
  • Review and update: As your child grows and their online activities change, revisit and update these rules
  • Encourage your child to talk to you about their online experiences, both positive and negative
  • Know their online activities: Be aware of the websites your child visits, the apps they use, and the people they interact with online
  • Be consistent: Ensure that these rules are consistently enforced to avoid confusion
  • Set a good example: Demonstrate responsible online behaviour by practising safe online habits yourself

By following these guidelines, parents can help their children develop safe and positive online habits, protecting them from potential risks and ensuring a enjoyable online experience.

Below are some helpful links and documents with more information: