How do we approach well-being in Brackla Primary?
Here is a short video showcasing all the different ways the wellbeing of children and staff is supported here at Brackla Primary School.
Our whole school vision recognises the need for our children to be happy at school and to be able to learn both at school and prepare them for their adult lives. The Thrive approach helps children to become more emotionally resilient and to be able to engage with life now and into future learning. Thrive is a whole-school approach to supporting wellbeing at Brackla Primary.
Please have a look at this easy-read information about looking after your child's wellbeing whilst online.
Our Educational Psychologists have produced some helpful information about promoting your child's mental health. They are worth a read.
Please find below some helpful documents we would like to share with you. If your child is struggling socially or emotionally, you may find them useful. They can help you as parents/carers and also signpost you to professional help your child may benefit from.